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Early Childhood Resources


Early Childhood Resources

This page will house early childhood resources we want to distribute to our partners & communities. They may come in the form of links, videos, downloadable files and so on. If you have items that would you like to upload to this page please email

Early Childhood Blog Summarizes 2023 Public Policy Changes

There were a lot of policy wins and changes regarding early childhood at the last legislative session. It can become slightly difficult to keep up with all the changes, but luckily a blog was created to help track these changes. There are helpful graphics to help guide you and the author requests assistance with any edits or additions that you see missing. Find the blog HERE

To make sure immigrant parents and youth between the ages of 0-5 feel safe during the current political climate, YCB with the help Joyce Preschool and the Volunteer Lawyers Network have provided informational videos on how to best navigate in these times. Here you will hopefully find useful tips and helpful resources.

These videos have also been translated into Spanish. 

Early Childhood Care and Education

Early Childhood Education - Minneapolis Public Schools

Provides early childhood education, outreach and partnerships in order to support and promote the healthy growth and development of children birth to age seven, to ensure school readiness and school success.

Hennepin County - Strong Beginnings Child Care

Quality child care programs in Hennepin County.

Minneapolis Public Schools - High 5

A half-day preschool program for Minneapolis children who turn four by September 1st and who will start kindergarten the following fall. Priority is given to children who qualify for free and/or reduced priced lunch.   

Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children

Enhancing the quality of professional development opportunities, supporting program improvement and NAEYC accreditation and providing advocacy for public policy change in early childhood education.

MN Child Care Resource and Referral Network

The Minnesota Child Care Resource & Referral Network provides leadership and support to a statewide system of non-profit agencies dedicated to helping families find quality child care and supporting child care providers.

Minnesota Licensed Family Child Care Association

Providing resources and support to licensed family child care providers.

Parent Aware

A rating tool for selecting high quality early care and education.

Think Small -Leaders in Early Learning

Works to advance quality care and education of children in their crucial early years through providing parents and providers with early care and education resources and supports.

Community Partners

Generation Next

Generation Next is a coalition of civic, business and education leaders that aim to close the achievement and opportunity gaps for students of color in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

For more information click here.

NAZ Early Childhood Action Team

The NAZ is a collaboration of organizations and schools partnering with families in a geographic “Zone” of North Minneapolis to prepare children to graduate from high school ready for college.

To end multigenerational poverty within North Minneapolis have eight shared values that they use as the foundation to their program.​ To find out more information about NAZ click here.

Child Care Assistance Program Projects

Minnesota's Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) helps make child care affordable for income-eligible families. This program is available to:

  • Families participating in Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) or Diversionary Work Program (DWP)
  • Families that had an MFIP or DWP case close within the last 12 months
  • Low-income families that may be eligible for the Basic Sliding Fee program

CCAP pays for child care costs for children age 12 and under as well as for special needs children up to age 14. For more information on the Child Care Assistance Program click here.