Minneapolis City Council Member
Emily Koski is a lifelong resident of the City of Minneapolis, and lives in the heart of her ward. She’s an active member of her community, coaching sports at Ward 11 parks, serving as a member of local boards, and volunteering for a variety of organizations. Koski’s professional experience includes owning and operating a small business, working in the corporate world, and consulting.
Koski was first elected as Ward 11 Council Member in the 2021 Minneapolis Municipal Elections and was re-elected for a second term in the 2023 Minneapolis Municipal Elections.
In her first term on the Minneapolis City Council, Koski made connecting with resident a top priority. She had Ward 11 Monthly Meetings, Ward 11 Virtual and In-Person Office Hours, Ward 11 Neighborhood Meetings, and Ward 11 issue/topic specific meetings, such as the Ward 11 Public Safety Meetings.